What the COVID-19 means for Tech & Quibi Launch? Meg Whitman, CEO of QUIBI

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What COVID-19 means for Tech & Quibi Launch? 

Featuring Meg Whitman, CEO of Quibi, a mobile-only media technology platform bringing together the best of Silicon Valley and Hollywood. Headquartered in Los Angeles, Quibi is the first entertainment platform built for easy, on-the-go mobile viewing, allowing today’s leading studios and creative talent to tell original stories in an entirely new way. Prior to Quibi, she served as CEO of eBay and President and CEO for the Hewlett-Packard Company. 

Featuring our next Guest: Meg Whitman! ✨ ✨
Right now when you have to be at home most of the time taking care of yourself & your loved ones, we want to send you a positive message and an option for your knowledge & entertainment. Let’s say “The New Revolution of Entertainment… is here”.

Meg Whitman is the CEO of @quibi, a mobile 📲only media technology platform bringing together the best of Silicon Valley and Hollywood. 🎥 🍿 –

Quibi is the first entertainment platform built for easy, on-the-go mobile viewing, allowing today’s leading studios 🎞 and creative talent from Hollywood to tell original stories in an entirely new way. –

Prior to Quibi, she served as CEO of Hewlett Packard Enterprise and President and CEO for the Hewlett-Packard Company. –
Whitman was President and CEO of eBay Inc. where she oversaw its growth from 30 employees and $4 million in annual revenue to more than 🌎 15,000 employees and $8 billion in annual revenue. 💰 –

She has also held executive-level positions at Procter and Gamble Company, Hasbro Inc., The Walt Disney Company, and Bain & Company. –
#quibi #mobile #streaming #hollywood #siliconvalley #gamechanger #visionary #femalepower #fearless #tech #evolution #womenpower #themillennialwayshow
#Quibi #MegWhitman #GameChanger #Visionary #Evolution #tech

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🎙 We want to encourage our viewers to #StayHome and #StaySafe during this crisis 🦠😷 so we decided to bring you an amazing Guest! ✨✨✨ • – Meg Whitman was President and CEO of eBay Inc. where she oversaw its growth 📈from 30 employees and $4 million in annual revenue💸 to more than 15,000 employees and $8 billion in annual revenue. 💰 – • She has also held executive-level positions 👩🏼‍💼at Procter and Gamble Company, Hasbro Inc., The Walt Disney Company, and Bain & Company. – • Meg Whitman is the CEO of Quibi, a mobile only 📱 media technology platform bringing together the best of Silicon Valley and 🎞🍿Hollywood. • • • • • • #MegWhitman #CEO #Quibi #gamechanger #visionary #powerwoman #fearless #comingsoon #tech #mobile #happysaturday #quarantine #cuarentena #covid #themillennialwayshow

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